domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008

The criminal Complaint against the Portuguese police


European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France


This Court has jurisdiction to act upon this matter pursuant to Article 34 and 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Rules of the Court numbers 45 and 47.

I. The Parties

A. The Applicant

1. Full name:
2. Sex:
3. Nationality:
4. Date and country of birth:
5. Current address:
6. Telephone number:
7. Electronic mail address:
8. Occupation or profession:
9. Name of your representative: (if you have one)
10. Current address of your representative: (if there is one)
11. Telephone number of your representative: (if applicable)
12. Fax number of your representative: (if there is one)

B. The Contracting Party

13. The Policia Judiciaria (PJ) and Government of Portugal.

II. Statement of Facts

14. On or about September 12, 2004 Joanna Cipriano, a native Portuguese girl disappeared mysteriously in the Portuguese town of Figueira. As a result, Leonor and Joao Cipriano, both native Portuguese, were abruptly arrested, accused of murder, convicted, and sentenced to a long prison term. The body of the supposed murdered victim was never found. Every since their imprisonment, both defendants have denied the murder accusation and maintained conclusively, that their confession was forcibly obtained by extra judicial methods consisting of cruel and savage torture inflicted on them by members of the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) of Portugal, under the leadership of police officials Goncalo Amaral, Paolo Cristovao and other accomplices who now must face a criminal trial for their actions.

Joao Cipriano, one of the defendants in the case, have stated additionally that Joanna was abducted to be "sold" into a paedophile network with connections in Portugal, a country internationally identified as a true paradise for pederast and paedophiles, where they reign with impunity and enjoy the protection of government institutions such as the PJ. Meanwhile, the other defendant in the case, Leonor Cipriano, denounced publicly the vicious beatings and different forms of torture she was a victim of, by PJ personnel during interrogations without the presence of an Attorney or knowledge by the public prosecutor. To show proof of her information and statements, she referred to a photograph published in a newspaper wherein she appears with a very heavily-bruised face almost unrecognisable as a result of the brutal beatings by PJ members during the interrogations.

The only ground in the case the PJ used to form the basis upon which the defendants were accused of murdering Joanna, was an allegation that she saw Joao and Leonor having sex and that to keep it secret and preventing her from divulging it, they killed her. During trail, the defence argued strenuously that the PJ accusation was false, that they did not conducted a thorough investigation of the case, and that the hasty, abrupt manner, and methods by which they proceeded to charge the defendants, appeared to be part of an outside interest unrelated to the nature of the case.


On the night of May 3, 2007 in Praia da Luz, Portugal, British national Madeleine Beth Mc Cann, then age three, was abducted by someone while she was sleeping in a room of an apartment located at the Mark Warner Ocean Club Resort in that town.

In this case, the PJ officers directed by Goncalo Amaral (again) acted similarly as they did in the previous case, that is, by hastily accusing the parents of being responsible for the death of the child, without having any valid evidence to sustain the accusation. There was no formal arrest or trial on the case, but there was an interrogation session and the lodging of a suspect status under Portuguese law against both parents. In addition, the mother of the abducted child was offered a two year prison term "deal" during the interrogation if she falsely admitted killing her daughter. The defendant refused the ridiculous and outrageous "deal" offered by the PJ.

In this case like in others, PJ officials insistently rejected the version that Madeleine was abducted and instead kept accusing her parents of killing the child without any concrete evidence. Like in previous cases, private detectives working to find the child also stated that Madeleine was abducted to be "sold" to rich paedophiles who "buy" children on orders to become their personal property and sex slaves.

The facts in this case related to the modus operandi by the PJ during times when a real investigation and search for the abducted child should have been conducted are overwhelming and point out to official complicity. However, the many details that make up the evidence are technically argumentative and do not belong in this section now, therefor, they will not be included but it may suffice to state that just like in the previous case, the PJ did not really investigated the crime; instead they kept focusing insistently on accusing the parents without any evidence and for unexplained reasons, while invoking a law that provides secrecy during proceedings as the base supporting their refusal to explain their actions.


Before the Joanna Cipriano case in Figueira wherein the PJ accused her family without any real evidence of killing her, three year old Portuguese native Carolina Santos also vanished mysteriously as well, after she was last seen walking away in the company of a man unknown to all neighbours. In that case, the PJ -again- accused the parents of being responsible for her disappearance or unproved death without having any objective evidence. The case did not received much publicity, and the PJ does not even keep any information on the case in their missing persons section at their web site, making it almost impossible to obtain precise information or details on the case. And just like in previous cases, family members of Carolina Santos have said repeatedly that she was abducted by one or more henchman working for rich paedophiles linked to members of the Portuguese officialdom, and taken out of the country to be "sold."

The case of Carolina Santos and the others provide an insight by showing a pattern the PJ has utilised in every child abduction in Portugal, by using the method of not investigating the crime, but instead accusing parents of either killing the abducted child or being part of the disappearance while in the absence of any concrete evidence to support the accusations.

There are other child abduction cases in Portugal with similar characteristics too numerous to mention here and to comply with Rule 47 (d) of the Court requiring statements in this section to be succinct.

III. Statement(s) on the Violation(s) of the Convention and/or
Protocols and Relevant Arguments

15. According to Article 1 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, every contracting State member has the obligation to secure and respect all human rights, including the right of children in their jurisdiction, not to be kidnapped with the direct or indirect aid of any official institution or entity. Article 1-- Obligation to respect human rights read as follows:

"The Contracting Parties shall secure to everyone within their
jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in Section 1 of
this Convention"

The corroborative facts outlined in the Statement of Facts section expose an scandalous social reality and corruption in the entire judicial system of Portugal, that allows a traditional heinous criminal activity in that country connected with sexual perversion against children, at the highest social levels of Portuguese society and government. It is a gross violation of the obligation to protect and secure the human right of any children, not to be kidnapped for perverted purposes, within the jurisdiction of the State of Portugal as a Contracting Party according to the Convention's definition. Convention Rule 53 --Safeguard for existing human rights by a Contracting State.

The criminal tradition of paedophilia in Portugal was dramatically exposed recently by the facts surrounding the scandal known as Casa Pia, wherein hundreds of children officially entrusted to the staff, where brutally abused sexually by rape and other depraved acts during a period no less than thirty five years. The subsequent investigations of the evil and horrendous ordeal that destroyed the life of many youngsters, revealed the direct participation of prominent Portuguese elite society members, who acted with impunity under the auspices and protection of the judiciary system -including the PJ- to carry on their perverted criminal activity that is deeply entrenched in the upper class and officialdom of Portugal. It is within this evilly sordid social environment kept subtly yet publicly and widely known but forbidden to criticise or condemn, that well-planned and organised abductions of children for perverse reasons on behalf of very rich and powerful people, are carried out with the knowledge, direct or indirect participation of individuals connected with Portuguese government institutions. These statements are supported by the above-mentioned facts, and the suspicious performance of the PJ in the recent case related to British citizen Madeleine Mc Cann to be explained in detail at an appropriate future opportunity.

The allowable existence of the criminal activity described above is a gross violation of Portugal as a Contracting State, requiring an in-depth and thoroughly exhaustible independent inquiring in order to know the truth behind the abduction of children and their whereabouts, whether they are still alive or dead. The complainant very strongly believes on the basis of the reasons stated above, that the true answers to the many unanswered questions regarding the abduction and disappearance of children in Portugal, can be found within the official structure of its own government and those who work or act on its behalf.

The statements in this section of the Complaint are sufficient to convey the intended message to request the attention of this Court, to an extremely grave reality needing an immediate correction in the Contracting State of Portugal. The life of abducted children and of their families are being destroyed by this extremely evil and criminal activity that must end. Paedophilia in Portugal (and in Spain too) is a "tradition" deeply entrenched in the psyche, that has thrived unchecked for many generations thanks to official condoning, aiding, protection and support, on behalf of a perverted, rich and powerful elite class. The mere existence of this aberrant behaviour in any Contracting State is a violation of fundamental human rights.

IV. Statements Relative to Article 35 of the Convention

16. This Complaint is not presented by an anonymous.
17. This Complaint has never been examined by this Court, and it has not been submitted to another procedure of international investigation or settlement.
18. This Complaint is not incompatible with the provisions of the Convention for the protection of human rights in any Contracting State. This Complaint is not ill-founded nor an abuse of the right to request relief to this Court. All statements made herein can be verified and corroborated.

V. Statement(s) on the Purpose of this Complaint

19. The main reason for presenting this Complaint is to request this Court to order a thorough independent investigation of the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) of Portugal, on the true reasons for its suspicious and/or ambiguous performance related to the abduction cases mentioned in the Statement of Facts section of this document. Particular attention is requested on the cases related to Joanna Cipriano and Madeleine Mc Cann in view of their characteristics and great similarities.

The other reason is to request the Court to consider the contents and information available at the Internet address as part of the documentation pertaining to this Complaint. The reason for this request is that the contents in that Internet address, feature information and names of individuals who should be of interest and concern in the requested investigation process.

VI. Statement(s) concerning other International Proceedings

20. This Complaint has not been submitted to any international proceeding or investigation anywhere nor is there a resolution or judgement pending at any agency or tribunal with respect to the nature of its contents.

VII. List of Exhibits Attached

21. (a) None
(b) None
(c) None

VIII. Declaration and Signature

I, Robert Argiz, hereby declare with full consciousness and loyalty that the contents and/or information included in this Complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, so help me God.


Signature: ___________________

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

These people support child abduction

Author's Note: The writing below is a reply to a letter sent by someone at the website located at that I suspect is connected with the Portuguese establishment and possibly involved in criminal activity related to child abduction in some way. I suggest that you read the reply and judge for yourself.


Thank You for responding to my mail regarding the Mc Cann case. I have read your reply with interest and agree on the part related to Gerry and Kate Mc Cann leaving their children unattended. They have already admitted their guilt publicly so there is no need to keep focusing on that anymore. We should focus now on other matters that could provide clues or clear evidence on the real truth, and not rely on the official Portuguese version of what happened to Madeleine Mc Cann.

What interest me in particular is the statement you have made denying the abduction of Madeleine without providing any explanation for your conclusion. You wrote that "there is no evidence of abduction" so I ask: If there was no abduction, then what was it? On what basis do you make the assertion? Your statement is in line with the Portuguese police claim that there was no abduction and that Gerry and Kate Mc Cann killed their daughter even though there was not a shred of evidence to support their tacit criminal accusation.

You wrote also that Portuguese detectives Goncalo Amaral and Paolo Cristovao "are irrelevant to the case." How according to you, these men are "irrelevant" to the case when they were in charge of the so-called "investigation" that wasn't? Goncalo Amaral was the official police leading the "investigation" up until the time when he clashed with members of the British police, who were challenging his charade that didn't really have to do with searching for Madeleine, but instead, accusing the Mc Canns of murder while buying time so that the child could disappear effectively. How can these men be "irrelevant" when it was under the leadership of Amaral, that members of his police staff illegally offered Kate Mc Cann a two year prison term during an interrogation session, if she falsely admitted killing her daughter? How can these men be "irrelevant" when both are now facing a criminal trail for the brutal and savage torture of prisoner Leonor Cipriano, mother of a Portuguese girl who was also abducted and mysteriously disappeared in a small town not very far from Praia da Luz? There are stunning similarities between the two cases, with the difference being that Gerry and Kate are not serving a long prison term because they are not Portuguese, their status as Doctors, and the possible damage that could have caused to State bilateral relations, had they been tortured and falsely imprisoned like in other cases.

How can Paolo Cristovao be "irrelevant" when he has made conclusive written sadistic and callous declarations on the case, even though a Portuguese secrecy law forbids anyone from speaking or writing about a case when it hasn't been resolved? Cristovao is a former police director with an in-depth knowledge on children abduction cases in Portugal, including the case of Joanna Cipriano which he handled in such a way, that her mother ended up in prison after a murder conviction based on confessions made just to avoid greater torture that could have caused her dead. This is part of the criminal background belonging to Cristovao, the same individual who recently told the world that "Madeleine didn't make it and her body was dumped into the Atlantic Ocean and lost forever..." Not only his statement violated the Portuguese secrecy law but suggested also that he does know about the Mc Cann case in ways the rest of us don't. Personally, I strongly suspect that Cristovao knows who abducted Madeleine Mc Cann, where was she taken to, on behalf of whom, and of her whereabouts weather she is dead or alive. His statements are too confident for anyone not to think that he knows what he is writing or talking about. I also suspect that his statement on the child's body being "dumped into the Ocean," is a mirror of the information an eye witness who was wandering on the beach, gave to the Portuguese police on May 5, 2007 describing how two men who handled a child wrapped in blanket, was given to a couple waiting on a speed boat that immediately took off at high speed into the Ocean with the child on board. The witness described the speed boat as similar to the type used by the police to guard Portugal's international waters. The police ignored this information and kept instead on accusing the Mc Canns of killing their daughter.

Neither Goncalo Amaral nor Paolo Cristovao is "irrelevant" in every single detail related to the Madeleine Mc Cann case. These men know what the rest of us don't but they will not tell us, and not because the secrecy law prohibits them from doing it, but because they are protecting the interest of those at elite levels whom they actually represent and work for. World child abduction and trafficking related to paedophilia, has become a very lucrative business controlled by the same folks who control entire governments and corrupted politicians. When you deny that Madeleine Mc Cann was abducted, you are actually taking sides with the people who are responsible for this and other monstrous crimes against innocent children. You are not helping either by having a website called "truth-for-Madeleine" if you deny the truth itself.

The poor, incompetent, and inadequate performance by the Portuguese police since the moment they were told about the disappearance of Madeleine was deliberately done in order to allow the criminal abductors to get away. Whoever did the actual kidnapping was probably doing it on behalf of those who had contracted the order by the "customer" who paid them well. Madeleine could have been taken to a private yacht anchored at high seas owned by a millionaire paedophile to be abused. It is very possible that Cristovao knows about this well and might be the reason why he makes a connection between the Sea and Madeleine in his statements. I suspect that he and Amaral know the truth, but what they know will never be known unless they are interrogated and investigated thoroughly by highly competent powers outside the corrupted Portuguese officialdom.

Paedophilia is deeply entrenched in both Portugal and Spain "cultural" idiosyncrasies to the core of activities related to human sexuality, but this fact is sought to be kept sub rosa from others with different moral and cultural traits or values; this is not to say that paedophilia isn't accepted and practised in other societies or cultures because that's in fact the case, but not in the way it is in Portugal and Spain. Paedophilia in these countries was "institutionalised" religiously and has thriven throughout centuries under the auspices of monarchical or ultra extremist ideologies of authoritarian regimes such as the fascist Franco dictatorship in the case of Spain, and Salazar in Portugal who ruled with an iron fist from the early 1930s to the late 1960s. These two countries are very similar in almost every way but Spain has a sort of an "upper" over Portugal in various historical and cultural elements, including the Portuguese language which is deep rooted in Galicia, Spain. They share very many "cultural values" amongst which hard core paedophilia holds a prominent preference in their depravity condition which they can disguise well. It is possible that most Anglos don't know these and other facts on the Spanish and Portuguese. I know because I am half Spanish myself.

The Mc Cann family better take heed by realising that they are before extremist individuals who with their warped and radical ideologies related to perversion, and combined with great perverted wickedness, fully intended to abduct Madeleine for the purpose of keeping her permanently and impose whatever type of life --or death-- on her according to their plans. I have and will continue to maintain that unless clear evidence beyond any possible doubt shows the contrary, my strong suspicion will keep pointing at the corrupted Portuguese establishment --including the police-- as the culprit responsible for the abduction of Madeleine Mc Cann and other children on behalf of a perverted elite ruling class. All abductions of children in Portugal were a State crime due to their complicity. I base my suspicion on personal knowledge of the Portuguese and Spanish idiosyncrasies, traditions, bloody history, perverted proclivities, criminal mentality, corruption in all areas, and much more. It is based also on the performance by the Portuguese police since the very moment when they were informed about the disappearance of Madeleine. The Portuguese police deliberately failed to perform regular police duties because they already knew about the crime. They have never really searched for the child since they have known all alone what really happened and why.

If the Mc Canns want their daughter back, they should consider seeking the direct involvement of those who have the means, resources and political clout apparently supporting them in the current hell they are now living. In combination with the investigation by private detectives, plus other police agencies unrelated to Portugal, it is possible to discover the truth and find Madeleine.

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008

The sea and Madeleine

The sea and Madeleine

The web site located at contains information related to paedophile millionaire men living on luxurious private yachts anchored at high seas, from where they order the "purchase" of children to become their personal property and sex slaves. According to the information, these paedophiles carry on their activity at high seas to avoid public view or detection of their deeds.

Some months ago, the Daily News of London published two different articles with photographs showing the exact place at a Portuguese beach location where an eye witness saw a child covered up with a blanket, being handled by two men who gave it to a couple waiting on a speedboat anchored near by that minutes later, took off at high speed into the sea with the child on board. This information was given by the eye witness to the Portuguese police on May 5, 2007 --two days after Madeleine Mc Cann was abducted. The Portuguese police ignored the information and kept focusing instead on accusing her parents of killing their daughter, while the Portuguese media orchestrated the official version in unbridled ways that demonised Gerry and Kate Mc Cann with great intensity. Incidentally, the same newspaper published recently some news about a book that former Portuguese police Paulo Cristovao wrote about the Madeleine Mc Cann case in Portugal. In the book, Cristovao categorically and sadistically declares that Madeleine "was dumped in the sea and her body has disappeared forever..." It is really interesting to note that Cristovao's declaration somehow fit in with different theories in which the sea highlights at conclusions related to the veil of evil mystery surrounding the whole case. How does Cristovao know so much in detail about the sea in connection with the abduction and disappearance of Madeleine? What does he know regarding individuals at a particular beach location, carrying a child wrapped in a blanket and then given it to others, waiting on a speedboat that took off fast towards the high sea? Why doesn't he explain this in his book since he knows so much about the sea in relation to Madeleine? This writer has stated more than once before, that many of the unanswered questions related to the abduction and mysterious disappearance of Madeleine, could very possibly be within the Portuguese police itself, and those responsible for the "investigation" that produced nothing but senseless and false criminal accusations against her parents.

In the case of Cristovao, it may be that with his type of criminal background in connection with the brutal and systematic torture inflicted on detainee Leonor Cipriano, as an extra judicial and savage method to force her into admitting guilt just to avoid more torture, and for which he and his associate Goncalo Amaral were both indicted and now must face a criminal trail, his statements inevitably arouse great suspicion leaning our thoughts to think that he probably knows a lot more about the abduction and destiny of Madeleine than what we had previously realised. I ask again: On what ground does he stand on to declare so categorically that Madeleine "was dumped in the sea and her body disappeared forever"? How does he know for sure that is exactly what happened to Madeleine after her abduction? By using common sense one can only conclude that Cristovao does have the answers to these questions since he even wrote a book on the subject. Anyone wanting to write a book must have solid knowledge of the subject to be written about.

According to the Daily Mail, Cristovao has publicly admitted that he intended his book entitled "The Star of Madeleine" to be protective of Portugal as a place where paedophilia has been socially accepted sub rosa while in parallel unofficially institutionalised for at least fifty years, and to infuriate the Mc Cann family. These and other admissions made by Cristovao regarding the contents of his book, reveal a sadist mind and what may be the true intention behind the number of grotesque statements, uttered for the purpose of creating a momentarily upheaval, while he can cash in by the sales of his worthless and stupid book. A fair conclusion to arrive at, is that Cristovao is nothing more than an opportunist, unscrupulous and sadist thug seeking personal gain, at the expense of victims who have and continue suffering as a result of criminal deeds committed by those with sick and warped minds whom he defends. Cristovao should be thoroughly investigated for his possible involvement in other criminal activities --besides torturing prisoners-- including the abduction of children, while hiding behind corrupt officialdom as a shield protecting him and those whose interests he truly represents.

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008

The Portuguese police should be investigated by the European Court of Human Rights

Portugal: A tradition of paedophilia, hard core perversion, criminality and corruption, at the highest level of government and society.

When Pina "Pia" Manique founded Casa Pia in 1780 after the great earthquake of 1755 in Portugal, she did not foresee that her humanitarian social endeavour would become a symbol of national perversion and paedophilia in contemporary Portuguese society. For more than three centuries thousands of young boys and girls grew up at Casa Pia and became to be known as "casapianos." Casa Pia is the largest educational institution in Portugal dedicated to help youngsters in risk of social exclusion, or without parental support. The institution is made up of ten schools with an enrolment of approximately 4700 young students. In addition to standard schooling, Casa Pia also provides boarding for children in need and it strives to enable them to become healthy and successful members of society by developing their intellectual, manual abilities, and physical traits in a positive environment promoting spiritual, moral, and religious values. Casa Pia is proud to have had amongst its student’s famous personalities, writers, artists, journalists, outstanding government officials, and others.

The paedophilia scandal

Although reports of sexual abuse against children in Portugal go back to before 1970 while the Estado Novo (New State) authoritarian regime was still in power, it was around that time period the paedophile activity in Portuguese society started to be known more than before. The paedophilia scandal at Casa Pia had a major effect in helping to raise public awareness on the general sexual abuse of children. The number of violent rape and other sexual abuses against children soared after the scandal was revealed and made public. Different reports following journalist investigations, showed evidence pointing directly at wealthy and influential high society paedophile members, who targeted children at Casa Pia under the care and responsibility by officials. The paedophile activities lasted for at least 30 years and were covered up by successive governments loyal to the corrupt rich and powerful. Since the scandal erupted, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security confirmed that hundreds of innocent children from Casa Pia were sexually abused at private homes, where they had been taken with the complicity by employees responsible for the security and care of the children. Many children victims of the perversion were either deaf or mute. Once the scandal was made public, Teresa Costa Macedo, a former Secretary of State revealed that she knew about the sexual abuse of children throughout the 1970s and 1980s, by very wealthy and influential people in Portuguese society. According to her own statements, she told Antonio Ramalho Eanes, President of Portugal from 1976-1986, about the criminal activity but he refused to act despite the overwhelming evidence. After the arrest of Carlos Silvino ("Bibi") for his participation in the criminal activity while he was a caretaker at Casa Pia, Mrs. Macedo said that "he was only an instrument element in a huge paedophile network that involved important people in the judiciary, the police, well known politicians, and a host of government members at different levels. It wasn't just him. He was a procurer of children for well known people in our country," she said. "Bibi" was jailed on charges of raping 600 children. Mrs. Macedo also said that she handed police "many photographs depicting the many methods used to spirit children out of the orphanage, plus testimonies of children who identified the individuals who had assaulted them sexually on several occasions." Meanwhile, press reports informed that many explicit and highly disturbing photographs were found at a former ambassador's house, Jorge Ritto. In addition, when police investigators went to Ritto's house they found frighten children locked up in a room who had been missing for several months from Casa Pia.

The case of Joanna Cipriano

Joanna Cipriano was (or still is) a native Portuguese girl who was eight years of age at the time of her abduction and disappearance in the Village of Figueira, Portugal on September 12, 2004. The village of Figueira is only seven miles away from Praia da Luz which is where Madeleine Mc Cann was abducted and disappeared on the night of May 3, 2007. In both cases, the parents launched large media campaigns in an effort to find their daughters and in the two cases, the police did not find the missing girls but accused the mothers of killing their daughters without having any evidence to sustain the accusations. In both cases the parents were declared "arguidos" (suspects). After a supposed investigation conducted by the Portuguese Judiciary Police (Policia Judiciaria) Joanna was assumed to have been murdered by her mother although there was no evidence to support the bogus claim, nor her body was ever found. The accusation of the Portuguese police ended with the arrest and conviction for murder of Leonor and Joao Cipriano. The Portuguese police and the prosecutor claimed that Joanna was murder because she saw her mother and Joao in bed having sex. Joao and Leonor Cipriano have declared categorically that they did not murder Joanna, are not responsible for her mysterious disappearance, but believe she was abducted on orders by an international paedophile organisation and taken out of the country to an unknown destination. This same theory has been applied on the case of Madeleine Mc Cann to explain her abduction and mysterious disappearance.

Mark Williams Thomas, a British child protection specialist, believes that Joanna Cipriano and Madeleine Mc Cann cases are related, and said that the disappearance of two children unknown to each other within a period of three years in a seven mile radius, would be a huge coincidence, especially considering that Portugal is a small country with very few abductions. Mr. Thomas may be absolutely correct about his assessment of the two cases.

Leonor Cipriano forcibly admitted killing her daughter but only after 72 hours of continuous interrogations, severe beatings, and different types of physical torture that included forcing her to kneel on broken glass until she bled, and being thrown down a stair way by police officers. She admitted the accusations just to avoid more brutal torture and interrogations. Since these extra judicial acts occurred, Goncalo Amaral and four other Portuguese police officers have been charged with criminal offences as a result of their illegal conduct against defendant Leonor Cipriano.

Despite the well known background of Goncalo Amaral in relation to the Cipriano case, he was assigned to the Madeleine Mc Cann abduction investigation. Why was he really assigned to the case? Like in Joanna's case of which Amaral was in charge, police officers under his direction failed to seal off the area where Madeleine was, in addition to many other blunders that made possible her abduction a successful criminal plan. And just like in the Cipriano case, the police personnel under his leadership did not focus on finding the missing girl but instead, on accusing her mother and abruptly declaring her "arguido." Can all of these facts be coincidental? Decide for yourself by using common sense...


Paedophilia is a social phenomenon well entrenched and widely spread in Portugal and by extension in Spain too, consequently with their idiosyncratic and "cultural" similarities. It is the sick manifestation of individuals whose psychical and spiritual condition deep-rooted innately in thorough immorality and perversion became constitutive of a personal burden seeking selfish relief through the abominable and cowardly act, of abusing sexually a vulnerable innocent child. Those who thoroughly know and understand the Spanish "culture," will inevitably connect it to the Portuguese in matters of this nature because of the great similarities between them, including that which relates to past highly authoritarian and oppressive regimes, whose ideological base was linked to religious Puritanism and forms of government identified with neo-fascist traits, rather than democratic. Francisco Franco of Spain and Antonio de Oliveira Salazar of Portugal are two good examples of ruthless regimes of that type. These authoritarian, backward and unpopular rulers dictated with an iron fist for decades, contributing thereby to the creation of "cultures" that subverted natural good principles and values, and replaced them with warped and sick mentalities capable of perpetrating the worst heinous crimes, such as raping and murdering an innocent child. It is not an exaggeration to state that paedophiles are a product of fascism.

It is under this sordid, evil, satanic, disgusting and very sick social background reality in Portugal, that different abductions and disappearance of children --including Madeleine Mc Cann-- connected with paedophile organisations known to the Portuguese officialdom, took place there as part of a long and entrench tradition of perversion and criminality which those who benefit from it don't want to see ending. On the basis of the facts connected with the reckless and intended Portuguese police performance on the case, the author believes that it is them who have the many unanswered questions regarding the well-planned abduction of Madeleine Mc Cann on the night of May 3, 2006 in Praia da Luz. The Portuguese police should be investigated thoroughly by the European Court of Human Rights.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

Take heed: Portugal and Spain can be highly dangerous and harmful places for children, due to their official corruption and paedophilia entrenchment

The abduction of Madeleine Mc Cann and the Portuguese police conspiracy to cover-up their crimes against humanity

"...mere unfounded speculations accusing Gerry and Kate Mc Cann of killing their daughter are widely publicised while the known criminal background of some police officials is silenced..."

What started by Gerry and Kate Mc Cann as a desperate effort to find their daughter Madeleine (Maddie) following her abduction and disappearance, the ruling elite controlled Portuguese media turned the tragedy into a macabre soap opera filled with wild speculations, false rumours, innuendoes, lies, and all type of manipulations aimed at diverting the public attention from focussing on what is now beginning to emerge as a real possibility: The Portuguese police could be solely responsible for the abduction and disappearance of Madeleine Mc Cann on the night of May 3, 2007 in Praia da Luz, Portugal.

Adhered and subordinated unconditionally to the interests of the ruling class establishment, the Portuguese media echoed loudly the police version of what happened to Maddie on the night she disappeared from the room where she was sleeping. In an authentic charade that gradually escalated into a frenzy orgy, the Portuguese media continuously and intensively hammer away at the well premeditated and destructive version of the police, which accused Gerry and Kate Mc Cann of killing Maddie without a shred of valid evidence. The morbid Portuguese media circus sought to brainwash the public into acquiring a mental state in tune with the criminal police version of what did not actually happened. The well orchestrated Portuguese media campaign to demonise the Mc Canns has been amplified shamelessly by the Spanish media, whose incredible hypocrisy exceeds the limits of dignity in their contribution to help the Portuguese police obtain what they really want: Find a culprit and close the case as soon as possible and at any cost. This includes the Mc Canns losing their daughter for the rest of their lives. Why is the Spanish official establishment so keenly interested in helping the Portuguese police to end the case as soon as possible? We must not forget that several children were abducted and disappeared in Spain also during recent years and months, including Mari Luz Cortes, a five year old gypsy girl who went missing during early January in the town of Huelva in southern Spain, which is not too far from the border with Portugal, and only 120 miles from Praia da Luz. The Portuguese and the Spanish are very similar in idiosyncrasies and in almost everything else, including "culture" and proneness towards criminality; they see each other almost like brothers and collaborate mutually when it comes to protecting their own interests.

Silent suspects

In the Portuguese media, no comments at all are ever made --let along questioning-- on the doubtful and suspicious criminal background of some police officials that were fist assigned to work on the Mc Cann case. However, on the Internet there are thousands or even millions of people who study the many details of the case, are looking, and keeping abreast on its developments, including this writer; Many of these folks are Portuguese nationals while others are foreigners living in different parts of the Algarve, including Praia da Luz; they know details and things in their turf others don't just as is common in most tightknit small towns. It is through this system of people-to-people contacts that reliable information on Goncalo Amaral --who was the general co-ordinator in the Mc Cann case at the beginning-- was obtained regarding his involvement in the Casa Pia paedophile scandal in which children were abducted and disappeared. Mr. Amaral was also accused and indicted for severely beating and torturing Leonor Cipriano, mother of Joanna, who also disappeared near Praia da Luz in 2004. In that case, Joanna's mother was also falsely accused of killing her daughter and is now in prison for a supposed murder of a victim whose body was never found. Joanna is believed to have been kidnapped by a paedophile organisation and taken out of the country. Mr. Amaral lead the inquiries in that case along with four other police officers, and according to the criminal complaint against them, he viciously beat up and tortured Mrs. Cipriano and forced her to sign a confession which railroad her into a long prison term for a crime she did not commit.

William Thomas, a British expert told Sky News that too many coincidences exist between the Joanna Cipriano and Madeleine Mc Cann cases to be ignored. Mr. Thomas, like many others, refuse to believe the Portuguese police version which accuses Gerry and Kate Mc Cann of killing Maddie. Meanwhile, in Portugal there is a highly intense silence and many are asking why Mr. Amaral with his criminal background was assigned initially to the Mc Cann case...

The mysterious bald negro man

Like in the previous case, the Portuguese media does not mention anything about a bald negro man wearing sun glasses who appears in the background of a photograph, watching Madeleine with a grin on his face while she was playing with her father. The Portuguese police has refused to acknowledge and identify this man officially as a police officer, but those who know him have told sources that he is in fact a member of the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) of Portugal. This man also appears in the company of other police man and Robert Murat in other pictures. Mr. Murat was declared "arguido" (suspect) in the Mc Cann case.

Is Robert Murat hiding something?

The Portuguese media has ceased to say anything about Robert Murat who is a police confident and translator. Mr. Murat is the same man who rented a car after the abduction and disappearance of Madeline Mc Cann, despite the fact that he owns three automobiles. Curiously also, is that although he is a resident of Praia da Luz, Mr. Murat wrote the address of his ex-wife in Norfolk, England on the car rental contract and a phone number that appears to be in Spain. But what is even more surprising, is that Mr. Murat registered the domain of his business in Internet ( under the false name "Oberto Muray," and that a surreptitious Journalist took a picture of two women leaving his house during very late hours of the night, holding each one a child covered with a blanket.

Mr. Murat is really a very particular individual within the context of the case related to the abduction and disappearance of Madeleine Mc Cann not too far from where he lives. His German girl friend Michaela Walczuch is still the wife of his friend Luis Antonio who works in maintenance at the Mark Warner Ocean Club, which is the place where Madeleine was abducted. Also very attention grabbing, is the great resemblance of Luis Antonio and Michaela, with a man and a woman who were seen at a service station off a road leading towards Spain, with a blond little girl after Madeleine's abduction and disappearance in Praia da Luz took place only hours before. Can all of these details be a mere coincidence? I think not.


The recent official statement made by Carlos Anjos of the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) can be interpreted as a prelude, for an up-coming declaration to shelve the case related to Madeleine Mc Cann. It is a political sleaze tactic to prepare the public for the final official news on a case they knew about it long before actually occurring. Reading his statement that "we have more important problems than finding Madeleine" [sic] is not a surprise to those who have been analysing and closely following the many intrinsic aspects of the case, since the morning of May 4, 2007 when we first heard the news at wake up time. Mr. Anjos words are merely an official formality to start a process aimed at placing the abominable crime perpetrated against an innocent child, into a convenient social oblivion that will protect the interest of those truly responsible for the monumental inhumanity of the horrendous deed. Moreover, the official declaration of Mr. Anjos is not surprising either since we are familiar with the case of Leonor Cipriano. The only difference between that case and the present one, is that Mrs. Cipriano is suffering unjustly in prison while neither one of the Mc Canns are, probably because they are British and not Portuguese. If they were Portuguese they would be in the same or similar predicament Mrs. Cipriano is in now.

We already know that sooner than later the "news" that Madeleine's case was shelved will be broadcast on prime time now that a prelude was introduced. When it happens, it will be the certification to legitimise the destruction of a child's life and her family, and the culmination of a well-elaborated criminal plan for whatever reasons. We can not prove it at this point, but have reasons to suspect on the basis of the truth the Portuguese police have been covering, that Madeleine and other children that were also kidnapped, are being kept hidden and locked away out of public view in a place under extra judicial conditions but with full official knowledge and consent. Possibly some where in southern Spain. We further believe that the abduction of Madeleine is a State crime, rather than the deed of an organisation or group whose activities may be related to paedophilia. Personally, the author very strongly suspects that Madeleine Mc Cann was abducted by one or more individuals connected to the Portuguese police.

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008

Is the Portuguese police implicated in the abduction of Madeleine Mc Cann?

Did the Portuguese police kidnapped Madeleine Mc Cann?

The Spanish media Internet source JM Noticias (JM News) whose address is published on February 8, 2008 an article in Spanish entitled: ¿Secuestro un policia a Madeleine Mc Cann? Translation: Did a policeman kidnapped Madeleine Mc Cann?

According to the article, while the media have been publishing speculations on Madeleine's case, the author of a blog had predicted that the Portuguese police would declare Gerry and Kate Mc Cann "arguidos" (suspects) as a tactic to conceal the implication of police officers in the abduction and disappearance of Madeleine on May 3, 2007. In the blog titled "master of fate" some unusual and suspicious photographs show Gerry and Kate Mc Cann being closely watched by a policeman shortly before Madeleine vanished. The author of the blog who goes by the anonymous "Inu Yasha" assures his audience that " [...] the Portuguese police has not really being looking for Maddie because they know where she is. The police have instead dedicated to create a hostile environment against her parents so they can charge them with the dead of their daughter." Mr. "Yasha" further continuos by stating that "[...] instead of looking for the little girl since they know where she is, the Portuguese police have been preparing the terrain by working very intensively on creating a favourable public opinion with the end in mind to imprison both parents and close the case."

The article says that in his blog, the author wrote that the Portuguese police is repeating the same tricks used in an earlier and similar case in which the mother of another little girl who was also abducted and disappeared not far from Prai da Luz, was convicted without evidence and after suffering great torture. "It is almost exactly to the case of Leonor Cipriano who was convicted of murdering her daughter Joanna even though there was no proof that the child had died. I believe the little girl was abducted on orders by an international paedophile organisation. Goncalo Amaral from the Portuguese police was assigned to conduct the investigation and was also given the responsibility to investigate Madeleine's case. As in Joanna's case the final outcome in Madeleine's will be the same," wrote the author on his blog. Mr. " Yasha" also stated that in the suspicious pictures one can see Robert Murat in the company of the police and a negro man that was spying on Madeleine before her abduction. In fact, the negro appears in the background of a picture looking at Madeleine while she was playing with her father and the other two children. The blog is located at (in Spanish).

In the opinion of this writer, the information featured in the JM Noticias article on the contents of the blog is not necessarily frivolous nor unfounded. If you would look into the numerous facts and details related to the Portuguese police performance on Madeleine's case since day one, you would probably conclude that it is now a puzzle with too many pieces all scattered and deliberately being kept that way by a sinister veil of secrecy. What or who is the Portuguese police protecting? The answer to this question can only be obtained by conducting a thorough investigation of the Portuguese police itself by an outside force. All the pieces of the puzzle need to be put in place for all to see and understand the truth related to the well-planned and executed abduction of Madeleine Mc Cann. Only then will her father get the answers to his three questions:

1) Who abducted Madeleine
2) Why
3) Where is she being kept

Until the above-mentioned is done the actual situation of uncertainties will continue on while Madeleine suffers in God knows what conditions...

martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

Portugal is a haven for paedophiles and...

Editor's Note: The original article was first published by the Daily Mail under the title "Why Portugal is a haven for paedophiles." The editing and/or modification of the original was done to accommodate additional information relevant to the subject of pedophilia and pederasty in Portugal with official involvement.

Portugal is a haven for paedophiles, pederasts and other freaks

The engine of a Ferrari sports car makes a distinctive sound produced by its turbocharger system, but when the children kept at Casa Pia (House of Pious) which is the most famous --and infamous-- Orphanage in Portugal heard the car roaring down the driveway, great fear swept through the dormitories. The sound of the Ferrari's engine could only mean one thing for them: A man known as "the doctor" was coming to call. Arriving at Casa Pia, an Orphanage in Lisbon where no less than 4 thousand children are cared for behind high stone walls, "the doctor" (Joao Diniz) would summon selected boys and girls for examinations one night each week. After checking that the selected children were not suffering from any sexual infections "the doctor" would be joined by Carlos Silvino, the Orphanage caretaker known also as "Bibi" who at the "doctor's" orders, would usher the unfortunate children into a waiting van. He is currently in jail. With "the doctor" following behind in his Ferrari, "Bibi" drove the van to luxurious homes located in prestigious districts where leading members of Lisbon high society and government officials live. At these homes the innocent and helpless children were repeatedly and savagely abused sexually for extended periods of time. This activity continued for years without those knowing about it keeping a profound silence under serious dead threats made by the Portuguese police. According to medical records, the injuries suffered by the victims were great and horrific consistent with sexual assault and violent rape of the children. The existence of this criminal activity became to be known as the "magic circle" within the corrupt Portuguese establishment, connected with international paedophile enterprises that were "purchasing" boys and girls from the Casa Pia Orphanage for their subsequent exploitation in other countries.

What relevance does all of this and more have with the abduction and disappearance of Madeleine Mc Cann in Praia da Luz which is about 280Km. From Lisbon? And what does this and more mean for Gerry and Kate Mc Cann who are not only coping with the tragedy of losing their child, but have been also victims of an evil and vicious Portuguese campaign of lies, smear and dangerous false accusations related to the disappearance of their daughter? There are two important reasons to be looked into the present case:

1. These facts are proof that Portugal has been and continuos to be a strong magnet for international predatory paedophiles and pederast organisations from around the world, who take advantaged of the country's lax laws and government corruption to prey on innocent children.

2. Paulo Rebelo, an urbane and methodical detective who lead the Casa Pia paedophile inquiry is now the new boss leading the investigation related to the abduction and disappearance of Madeleine Mc Cann.

Paulo Rebelo replaced former police chief Goncalo Amaral, who is the leading voice calling for the imprisonment of Gerry and Kate Mc Cann for the supposed murder of their daughter, as part of his strategy to cover up and protect the lucrative paedophile criminal enterprise in corrupt Portugal, of which he was (or still is) part of as a government functionary. In an effort to make up for the corrupt, amateurish, irresponsible, and fatal police performance that cause the lost of vital evidence during the first hours after the disappearance of Madeleine Mc Cann during Amaral's police leadership, Mr. Rebelo has recruited his own team composed of savvy officers ranging from real professional computer analysts to homicide specialists with a reputation for leaving no stone unturned. According to sources, Mr. Rebelo launched furious private attacks on officers involved in the original investigation, and even accused them of being "narrow minded" about what really happened in the case and who was or wasn't guilty. So after months of courageously and intelligently resisting an assortment of ridiculous and nonsense accusations from the clumsy Amaral-lead police, Gerry and Kate Mc Cann are no longer the sole focus of the investigation lead by Mr. Rebelo, although the "arguido" (suspect) status still firmly in place against them as a result of the initial unprofessional police performance, and Amaral's intention to side-track our minds from the real facts of the case to protect the criminal interests of his associates. Incidentally, Goncalo Amaral and his accomplices now face criminal accusations in a case related to another missing child -Joanna Cipriano- after being accused by a witness who have pointed at him to be responsible for concealing vital evidence of brutal beatings and savage torture sessions, perpetrated against Joanna's mother for the sole purpose of forcing her to sing a false confession of killing her daughter and dumping the body into the Ocean. This is similar to what Amaral tried to do against Kate Mc Cann when interrogators offered her a "deal" consisting of declaring that she murder her daughter in exchange for a two year prison term. In addition, Amaral and his associates face many unanswered disciplinary questions related to the original investigation of the case and the overall performance of police officers under his leadership, who according to members of internationally recognised police agencies competent in the field of technical investigations --including agents from the Scotland Yard and former members of the M-16 British intelligence services-- the Portuguese police made blunders that contributed to the abduction of Madeleine Mc Cann a successful criminal plan. Among the many blunders the Portuguese police made are the following:

-The Portuguese police arrived at the scene of the crime two hours after they were first informed about the abduction of Madeleine Mc Cann.

-The Portuguese police did not seal off the area properly, and when technicians from the laboratory arrived at the scene, most of the vital evidence was already gone. A large number of people, including curious strangers, were allowed to wander in-and-out of the apartment touching items that could have had prints on them.

-The Portuguese police did not make an immediate public appeal and did not carried out proper forensic searches.

-The Portuguese police failed to alert international border stations the same night and as a result, it is possible that Madeleine was taken across the border inside of a vehicle without being seen. They called the border security two days after the abduction.

-The Portuguese police did not conduct a house-to-house search within the area in the early hours after the abduction, when the perpetuators of the crime or witness, were still likely to be within the area of the rather small village.

-The Portuguese police did not conduct a finger print search on the streets around the hotel; this combined with not sealing off the whole area caused forensic evidence from the abductor to have been lost.

-The Portuguese police failed to search every existing dwelling in the whole village, including empty or closed houses that should have been opened with or without the consent of their owners, as Madeleine was very likely to have been kept hidden not far from the hotel after her abduction, before being taken out of the immediate area or country.

-The Portuguese police ignored a tip provided by a witness around noon time on May 5, 2007 when she saw Madeleine at a road service station, in the company of a dark-skinned man who shoved her into the car and drove off at high speed when he noticed he was being observed. The witness told police she heard Madeleine ask the man in English "can I see daddy soon..?" The Portuguese police responded to the call ten days later.

There were probably more blunders made by the incompetent Portuguese police that undoubtedly contributed to the abduction of Madeleine Mc Cann a successful crime. Many experts have concluded that the abduction could have been aborted had the Portuguese police been professional. They are not. Incredibly, a police source said that considering the level of corruption in Portugal, not sealing off the flat where Madeleine was sleeping could have been deliberate, so as to provide the abductor with favourable conditions in case he needed to return to the crime scene to recover some object he may have left behind! While the shift in the investigation under Mr. Rebelo may ease the intolerable pressure on the Mc Canns, it will do very little or none to reduce their grand distress for as long as their daughter is missing.

In the opinion of this writer, within the context of the theory that Madeleine was abducted on the orders of an international paedophile organisation, the Mc Cann family should not have any hope or trust on the Portuguese police as they are involved in covering up their own corruption and paedophile scandals. They are more concerned with that than with finding Madeleine, and it is very possible that they don't want her to be found or the case resolved by others outside of their jurisdiction, because it would shatter their whole fallacious inventions which only purpose is to keep up the present status quo as a shield to protect the international reputation of Portugal and prevent people around the world, from thinking of their country as a paradise haven for paedophiles and other freaks. This is likely to be what is truly behind keeping the stupid "arguido" status against Gerry and Kate Mc Cann; the Portuguese know that for as long as the "arguido" status is kept on them they wont be free to tell us the real stuff we all want to hear. For these and other reasons, the author believes that individuals who write pieces like this and publish them for the world to read, are doing a valuable contribution to an aberration that's lasting too long and must end as soon as possible. We want Madeleine Mc Cann to be found and returned to her family and home where she belongs.

Pedro Namora is a native Portuguese man, a former resident of the Orphanage, and an eye witness of eleven rapes on minors who were tied down to their beds. Mr. Namora is now a criminal Lawyer who has stated categorically that individuals in the Portuguese police and government have conspired to suppress evidence fearing damage to the country's reputation. "Portugal is a paedophiles paradise," said Mr. Namora who is currently campaigning on behalf of the victims at Casa Pia. "If all the names come out it will cause a social earthquake in Portugal. There is a massive sophisticated paedophile network here, stretching from common employees through different government departments, including the judiciary and the police. The network is enormous and extremely powerful. There are judges, ambassadors, high ranking politicians, ministers, police officials, bankers, ruling elite members, and others involved in the paedophile network here. It will be extremely difficult to dismantle the structure. These people protect each other as they know that if one of them is arrested all will be arrested. They don't want anyone to find out what is really going on in Portugal," he declared. Mr. Namora now age 44, watched in sadness as friends he grew up with sank into alcoholism, drug addiction and death as a result of their traumatic childhood experiences at the Orphanage. "I was the only one who made it and I couldn't keep silent," he said. He has received dead threats and warnings by the police every since he started campaigning on behalf of sexually abused children, and exposing the Casa Pia as a "supermarket for children." Mr. Namora believes the scandal brought to light will underline Portugal's growing attraction to paedophile groups which are suspected to be connected to the abduction and disappearance of seven children in Portugal, including Madeleine Mc Cann.

Another witness of sexual crimes committed against children at the Orphanage hell is Costa Macedo. Mrs. Macedo, a former government Minister, kept silent for years after being told to expect her sure dead if she spoke about what she knew. "The caretaker ("Bibi") was just one element in a huge and powerful paedophile network that involved people in important government positions. It wasn't just him. As the official caretaker of the Orphanage, he was the procurer of victims for well-known and wealthy individuals in our society ranging from diplomats, politicians, people in the media, and others," she said.

Amid the Portuguese paedophile network scandal and evidence that it has become endemic in Portugal, the Interpol declared the country as the worse offender in Europe. The Casa Pia Orphanage paedophile case may not have a direct link to the abduction and disappearance of Madeleine Mc Cann on May 3, 2007 in Praia da Luz, but the sick social environment pervading in Portuguese society associated with paedophilia being allowed to operate with official consent, is the root that provides the conditions for that criminal activity to exist in Portugal. It is within the context of this background and the poor police performance and corrupt attitudes in the investigation of Madeleine Mc Cann's abduction, that led to the bungled results we know now. For all of these and other reasons, the author categorically declares that Portugal is a haven for paedophiles and other freaks.

martes, 29 de enero de 2008

"...and the truth shall set you free"

"If Gerry and Kate Mc Cann were Portuguese they would have been savagely tortured, falsely charged with murdering their daughter, and condemned to a long prison term…"

The author of the above quotation is a native Portuguese man --Joao Cipriano-- who is currently serving a draconian prison term in Portugal following a forced conviction for the supposed murder of a child whose body was never found. Mr. Cipriano has always maintained his innocence of the crime for which he was convicted, and has very courageously exposed publicly the torture and other extra judicial practices by the Portuguese police on detainees to force confessions on them. Mr. Cipriano and his sister Leonor were forced by means of torture into accepting lies made up by the Portuguese police, regarding the abduction and disappearance of Leonor's daughter, Joanna, who went missing in 2004 and has not been found every since. The abduction and disappearance of the child took place less than 40 miles from Praia da Luz, which is where Madeleine Mc Cann was abducted and disappeared on the night of May 3, 2007. Like in the Mc Cann case, they were made "arguidos" (suspects) by the Portuguese police who used similar tactics to the type they are using now against Gerry and Kate Mc Cann, by accusing them of killing their daughter without having any solid evidence against them. Mr. Cipriano has warned on the possibility that Gerry and Kate Mc Cann could be framed by the Portuguese police. He is a native Portuguese and knows what he says. Meanwhile, Leonor Cipriano recalled how she was beaten and thrown down a staircase by police officers, and then forced to kneel on broken glass until she bled and admitted the false police accusations just to avoid more torture. It was based on these and other criminal extra judicial practices that Joao and Leonor Cipriano were convicted of a crime they did not commit. The real case was not resolved since the disappeared child the Portuguese police accused the defendants of murdering was never found, in other words, there was no real evidence against the accused but they were condemned for a crime that did not exist. Mr. Cipriano said that Joanna was abducted and sold to a paedophile international organisation.

To the average Briton, the above-described Portuguese criminal and destructive behaviour may seem far-fetched but it is true and shows how the Portuguese idiosyncrasy is manifested. Spanish and Portuguese idiosyncrasies and "cultures" are very similar and are expressed in almost identical ways. Brutality, chicanery, machismo, corruption, thieving, lying, racism, chauvinism and more, are among the traits that make up the Spanish "culture" and idiosyncrasy. All of these elements combined and mixed with a backward judicial power system used against vulnerable citizens, creates a deadly evil force with an unlimited potential to perpetrate gross injustices against innocent victims. This is part of what the Mc Canns are up against and like most Britons, are probably not aware of what is lurking behind the laughable but dangerous accusations the Portuguese police are deliberately making against them.

The Portuguese know exactly why they are purposely avoiding to deal with the true reality of Madeleine's case. They know Gerry and Kate Mc Cann are not guilty of any crime but by keeping the "arguido" status lodged on them, are conveniently helping to prevent a bad image of Portugal from developing and becoming widespread among Britons and other Europeans, who generate millions in profits as vacation goers or retirees living in Portugal who collect monthly pensions. Portugal is a poor country by European standards needing the revenue produced by tourism from Northern Europeans in search of sunny beaches and warm weather. Considering these facts, one can not imagine the Portuguese jeopardising their economic and political interests, over the abduction of just one more child in their sunny paradise where pederast, paedophiles, predators, and other disgusting freaks freely hang around looking for potential victims. This truth the Portuguese will never admit and to cover the facts, they create nonsense and false accusations against victims of heinous crimes and put an official stamp on it to legitimise their criminal intend.

According to information available on different Internet media sources, Kate Mc Cann came very close to be framed and jailed during police interrogations after her daughter Madeleine vanished. The interrogators offered her a two year prison term if she accepted the nonsensical official version and confessed having murdered her daughter and then hide the body. This fact corroborate any statements made regarding the true reasons the Portuguese have by falsely accusing Gerry and Kate Mc Cann of killing Madeleine and hide her body, a lee to justify keeping the so-called "arguido" criminal status lodged on them. In reality, the Portuguese don't want Madeleine to be found or the case to be resolved because it runs against their economic and political interests, plus it will settle any doubts regarding their amateur, incompetent, corrupt, and unprofessional modus operandi as a police force. All of these elements plus many others not listed here make the author suspect that the Portuguese police could be implicated in different types of criminal activity, including the abduction of children which has become a highly lucrative business controlled by the ruling elite. This suspicion is not far-fetched if taken into account the high level of existing corruption at the highest pinnacle of government in countries such as Spain which -as stated before- is very similar to Portugal. The Portuguese are probably just as corrupt as the Spanish are who try in vain to divert their sick social reality with false and endless portrayals of a great "democracy" lead by a fascist-appointed king as a head of State. Spain is corrupt to the core in all aspects of life; it is a country that functions daily on the basis of criminal activity, lead by highly reactionary and criminal right wing gangsters in a two party system, just like in the United States. In fact, Spain is the version of the US in Spanish.

Another truth that shall make us free, is the evident negligence of Gerry and Kate Mc Cann for leaving their children unattended in an apartment located at a considerable distance, from where they were dinning with friends the night Madeleine was abducted. Gerry has already admitted being guilty of this in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, so there is no real need to dwell on any further on this particular point. On the other hand, Gerry and Kate should not be blamed entirely for the tragedy; they are intelligent professionals and probably good parents who love their children very much and want the best for them. The blame should be put on perverted and morally depraved individuals product of this system who are devoid of any good principles and who put material interest above humanity. The Mc Cann family were simple enjoying normally a holiday just like thousands of others do every year in Portugal or Spain, and were not in the least suspecting what happened to them on the tragic night of May 3, 2007 when Madeleine was abducted. All people of good will should bear with Gerry and Kate Mc Cann and come to their side and support them unconditionally in what is probably the worst episode in their whole lives. We must think of Madeleine every day and do at least the most minimum task we can do towards the final goal of finding her.

Letter of appeal to the Prime Minister of the UK

Mr. Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of the UK.
10 Downing Street
London, England. SW1A-2AA

Mr. Brown:

This is an appeal to you as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on behalf of Madeleine Beth Mc Cann, a British citizen, age four, and currently in unknown whereabouts as a result of her abduction and disappearance on May 3, 2007 in Portugal. The earnest request consist of declaring the abduction and disappearance of Madeleine Mc Cann as a national tragedy, and make available the British intelligent services to step in the search of Madeleine Mc Cann until she is found either dead or alive.

Since Madeleine Mc Cann was abducted, eight months have passed without the Portuguese police and a private detective agency producing any solid leads that could result in the final solution of the case. On the basis of the Portuguese police modus operandi on the case since the very beginning, the widely publicised theory that the great blunders made by the Portuguese police in crucial moments, contributed to the commission of the heinous crime a success. Meanwhile, a Spanish private detective agency was hired to find little Madeleine Mc Cann but after at least four months no solid leads were produced. However, early after their incorporation to the search for Madeleine Mc Cann, the leader of the agency went around bluffing and arrogantly bragging about how much he knew on who abducted Madeleine Mc Cann, who is holding her, and that "she will be home by Christmas." All of these and other elements only contribute to create a situation of great disadvantage for the case to be resolved within reasonable time. Also, there are those who think that the Portuguese police are not competent to do what it takes to find Madeleine Mc Cann either dead or alive. In view of these facts, it is widely believed that the case needs the intervention of a police with highly recognised history of success in resolving difficult cases such as the present one, and the British intelligent services are fit for this task. Meanwhile, the lack of positive results in the present investigation pose serious threats of never finding the child due to the inadequate performance of those currently involved in the case.

Mr. Brown, I believe that bilateral relations between democratic States become fortify when the protection of basic human rights are defended and protected, therefor, there is no reason to believe that defending the right to freedom of an authentic British child age four, could affect in any way the relations between Portugal and the United Kingdom. Additionally, the act of kidnapping any person is a highly abominable crime, because it deprives the victim of a basic fundamental human right which is freedom. In reality, the condition of freedom is inherent by simply being a human alive, independently from whatever technical or political definitions there are. These and other important elements make this appeal to be a reasonable one which I and many others --perhaps even millions-- are asking you to grant.

Finally, Madeleine Mc Cann is an authentic Briton and an innocent child who deserves full recognition by the government of the British community, so I ask that you grant this appeal, please.

Respectfully Yours,

Your name